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Space Marines Terminator Chaplain Tarentus

Space Marines Terminator Chaplain Tarentus

Space Marines Terminator Chaplain Tarentus



This new model is (as the name implies) a Terminator Chaplain who can be added to any army using Codex: Space Marines – which now includes Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Space Wolves, and the Deathwatch.*

An HQ choice, a Terminator Chaplain brings a range of benefits that fit a lot of forces – starting with a Leadership of 9 and the appropriately titled Spiritual Leader ability that lets Core units from the same Chapter use that Leadership, making them even more likely to pass Morale checks. Keep your Terminator Chaplain at the heart of your formation to pass this benefit to as many units as possible, and your Space Marines will truly know no fear.

Warhammer Day Exclusive Model

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