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Commander Collection: Green

 Commander Collection: Green

Commander Collection: Green


Magic the Gathering

Commander Collection: Green is a boxed set of eight reprinted cards themed to one color and what it does best—in this case green, the color of big mana and big creatures! These cards have been selected to showcase the things green mages love to do in Commander, and each one has been given brand-new art with loads of references to popular legendary characters. They'll be right at home in your favorite green deck alongside their legendary counterparts!

There are two versions of Commander Collection: Green—a regular and a premium edition. All WPN will be able to order the regular version, which contains all eight cards in non-foil. The premium edition will be exclusive to WPN Premium stores and will contain all eight cards in gorgeous foil!

Commander Collection: Green will be available in English exclusively at your local store beginning December 4, 2020.

CC1 regular edition box shot
All 8 cards in non-foil
CC1 premium edition box shot
All 8 cards in foil