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MTG - Secret Lair – Ultimate Edition - EN

MTG - Secret Lair – Ultimate Edition - EN MTG - Secret Lair – Ultimate Edition - EN

MTG - Secret Lair – Ultimate Edition - EN


Magic the Gathering

Coming to Triplace Games, Secret Lair: Ultimate Edition is making fetch happen.

Yes, your local game store.

Featuring art from five of Magic's premier artists—Alayna Danner, Adam Paquette, Sam Burley, John Avon, and Seb McKinnon—set in five popular Magic planes, this collection of five enemy fetch lands is sure to turn heads.

Scalding Tarn
Verdant Catacombs
Arid Mesa
Misty Rainforest

For reference, that's Lorwyn (Marsh Flats), Dominaria (Scalding Tarn), Innistrad (Verdant Catacombs), Amonkhet (Arid Mesa), and Ixalan (Misty Rainforest).

But. That's. Not. All! When you purchase Ultimate Edition, those five fantastic-looking lands come in a commemorative box that can be used for display. Like so:

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